Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering London, UK.

Day 1 :

Conference Series Quantum Physics 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Yukio Tomozawa photo

Yukio Tomozawa obtained DSc in 1961 from Tokyo University. He was Assistant at Tokyo University (1956) and at Tokyo University of Education (1957-1959) - Member at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ (1964-1966). He was Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Emeritus Professor at the University of Michigan, USA. He found that the Schwarzschild metric does not fit the data of time delay experiment in the field of general relativity. He has introduced a physical metric which fits the data. It was constructed with the constraint that the speed of light on the spherical direction is unchanged from that in vacuum. This modification changes the way we understand the nature of gravity drastically. In particular, the nature of compact objects, neutron stars and black holes, is very different from that described by the Schwarzschild metric. It also explains the dark energy, supernova explosion and high energy cosmic ray emission from AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei), massive black holes.


The author starts from the experimental test of General Relativity on time delay in the solar system by Shapiro et al. The most recent experiment using the Cassini satellite attained an 1 in 10^5 accuracy level. This indicates that the Schwarzschild metric is not a correct metric and the correct metric is the author’s physical metric, in which the speed of light on the spherical direction is constrained to be the value in vacuum. This is a conceptually natural assumption, since the spherical direction is perpendicular to the radial direction which is the direction of the gravity. In this new metric, the size of compact objects, neutron stars and black holes, becomes 2.60 times larger than that of the Schwarzschild radius and is called the extended horizon. The temperature of compact objects is found to be very high, as is evidenced from the existence of highly ionized atoms in the X-ray measurement of compact objects. In this metric, both the point source and a constant density distribution, the internal solution inside the extended horizon is shown to be a repulsive gravitational force, while the gravity outside the extended horizon remains attractive. The repulsive nature of gravity inside the extended horizon is the source for the supernova explosion as well as the reason for high energy cosmic rays generated from AGN, Active Galactic Nuclei, which are massive black holes.rn Using the physical metric in General Relativity, the author suggests that the masses of the merging black holes which produced the gravitational waves in LIGO, GW150914, must be reduced by a factor of 2.60. The masses of the merging black holes are 11.2 (+1.5, -1.5) M_{⊙} and 13.8 (+1.9, -1.5) M_{⊙} and the final mass of the resulting black hole is 23.8 (+1.5, -1.5) M_{⊙}. These masses of the merging black holes are consistent with the observed values of black hole masses.rn

Keynote Forum

Manijeh Razeghi

Northwestern University, USA

Keynote: Quantum science and technology: Application for daily life

Time : 10:00-10:30

Conference Series Quantum Physics 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Manijeh Razeghi  photo

Manijeh Razeghi joined Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, as a Walter P Murphy Professor and Director of the Center for Quantum Devices in Fall 1991, where she created the undergraduate and graduate program in solid-state engineering. She is one of the leading scientists in the field of semiconductor science and technology, pioneering in the development and implementation of major modern epitaxial techniques. Her current research interest is in nanoscale optoelectronic quantum devices. She has authored or coauthored more than 1000 papers, more than 30 book chapters, and 16 books. She holds 55 US patents and has given more than 1000 invited and plenary talks. She received the IBM Europe Science and Technology Prize in 1987, the Achievement Award from the SWE in 1995, the RF Bunshah Award in 2004 and many best paper awards. She is an Elected Fellow of SWE (1995), SPIE (2000), IEC (2003), OSA (2004), APS (2004) IOP (2005), IEEE (2005) and MRS (2008). She received IBM Teacher of Excellence 2013 award. She is Editor, Associate, and Board Member of many journals, including Nano Science and Nano Technology.


When you look closely, Nature is nanotechnology and quantum sensing at its finest. From a single cell, a factory all by itself, to complex systems, such as the nervous system or the human eye, each is composed of specialized quantum-structures that exist to perform a specific function. This same beauty can be mirrored when we interact with the tiny physical world which is the realm of quantum mechanics. Electrons, photons, and even thermal properties can all be engineered at this level. Using Nature as a template, we have already applied nanotechnology to improve traditional sensors (e.g. artificial eyes, ears, and noses). However, beyond this is the more general “quantum sensing” area, which allows us to think creatively about interacting with and exploring physical processes on a truly fundamental level. Possibly the simplest aspect of Quantum Science and nanotechnology, the 2-D quantum well has dramatically enhanced the efficiency and versatility of electronic and optoelectronic devices. While this area alone is fascinating, nanotechnology has now progressed to 1-D (quantum wire) and 0-D (quantum dot) systems which exhibit remarkable and sometime unexpected behaviors. With these components serving as the modern engineer’s building blocks, it is a brave new world we live in, with endless possibilities for new technology and scientific discovery. There is still so much to learn and to be curious about. In this talk, I will present the latest Quantum Devices based on atomic and gap engineering of III-V semiconductor from deep us: 200 nm up to THZ; 300 microns.

Keynote Forum

Kazuhisa Kakurai


Keynote: Quantum beam science: A bridge between nuclear science and nuclear application

Time : 10:30-11:00

Conference Series Quantum Physics 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Kazuhisa Kakurai photo

Kazuhisa Kakurai has completed his PhD from TU Berlin working at the Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin. He joined the Institute for Solid State Physics of the University of Tokyo as an Assistant Professor and became a Professor in 1997. He was the Director General of the QuBS Directorate at the JAEA until 2014 and now serves as a General Adviser in the QuBS Center, JAEA in Tokai, Japan. Currently he is also Visiting Scientist at CEMS, RIKEN in Wako, Japan.


At the end of 19th century a series of revolutionary discoveries were made to lay the foundations of the today’s Quantum Beam Science. These are the discovery of x-ray by Roentgen in 1895, spontaneous radioactivity from uranium salt by Becquerel in 1896, followed by discoveries of radioactivity from polonium and radium by Curies in 1897. In years 1899 and 1900, Rutherford and Villard separated radiation into three types based on penetration of objects and deflection by a magnetic field and named them alpha, beta and gamma rays. Because alpha particles occur naturally, much of the early knowledge of atomic and nuclear physics, as exemplified by the Rutherford’s gold foil experiment leading to the discovery of atomic nucleus. But the particles and electrons emitted from radioactive nuclei have specific energies and low flux. Hence an generator was developed by Cockcroft and Walton to accelerate the protons performing the first artificial nuclear disintegration. Subsequently the discovery of neutrons by Chadwick and nuclear fission by Hahn, Meitner and Strassmann and the realization of nuclear chain reaction initiated nuclear energy research establishing the nuclear reactors, providing neutron sources with decent flux. The history shows how the discovery of these radiations goes hand in hand with the understanding of the atomic and nuclear phenomena and their applications. The most eminent application being the utilization of nuclear power for energy production leading to the establishment of atomic energy research institutes worldwide in the middle of 20th century. Though the nuclear power aspect was the primary aim of these institutes, nevertheless the utilization of concomitant radiations, i.e. quantum beams, in different field, such as medical, agricultural and condensed matter applications have been investigated intensively at the same time. In this talk I would like to exemplify the development of the quantum beam science in connection with nuclear science and application in the Quantum Beam Science Directorate activities at Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

Break: Networking & Refreshments Break 11:00-11:20 @ FOYER
  • Track 1: Quantum Science


Manijeh Razeghi

Northwestern University, USA



Ian O Driscoll

Cork Institute of Technology and Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

  • Track 1: Quantum Science
    Track 2: In Depth Quantum Mechanics


Yukio Tomozawa

University of Michigan, USA



Waseem Bakr

Princeton University, USA

  • Track 3: Quantum States
    Track 4: Quantum Mechanics Interpretation
    Track 5: Strings in Quantum Physics


Kazuhisa Kakurai

RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan



Alexander Kubanek

Ulm University, Germany

  • Track 9: Nuclear Science
    Track 10: Interaction and Maintenance


Ekmel Ozbay

Bilkent University, Turkey



Colin Wilmott

Nottingham Trent University, UK

  • Track 6: Quantum Physics Formulation
    Track 7: Quantum Field Theory
    Track 8: Quantum Transport and Dissipation
    Track 11: Latest Technologies, Innovations and Instruments


Shien-Kuei Liaw

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan



Yuji Hasegawa

TU-Wien Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, Austria