Kazuhisa Kakurai
Title: Neutron scattering investigations on quantum spin systems
Biography: Kazuhisa Kakurai
Magnetic neutron scattering experiments have been playing important role to probe the quantum ground state magnetism in condensed matter physics. In this review talk I would like highlight series of inelastic neutron magnetic scattering investigations on low-dimensional magnetic systems clarifying the roles of classical fluctuations and quantum fluctuations. They include the investigations on non-linear soliton excitations in one-dimensional spin chain systems, on quantum renormalization of spin-wave excitations, on spin on excitations in S=1/2 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain, on Haldane gap for antiferromagnetic integer spin Heisenberg chain and on spin dimer systems. In these examples the microscopic knowledge of spin fluctuations provided by neutron scattering, including polarized neutron scattering, was essential to recognize the key features of macroscopic quantum ground state magnetism. The state-of-the-art scattering instruments at modern neutron facilities worldwide designed to perform these key experiments will be also briefly introduced.