Chithrabhanu P
Physical Research Laboratory, India
Title: Three particle hyper entanglement for quantum teleportation
Biography: Chithrabhanu P
With entanglement between two quantum bits, protocols have been demonstrated for teleporting an unknown quantum state, super dense coding of information and secure communication. An arbitrary qubit can be teleported from one particle to another with the use of an entangled pair of particles, which had been experimentally verified in different quantum systems. We present a scheme to generate three particle hyper-entanglement utilizing polarization and Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) of a photon. In this case one particle is maximally entangled with other two particles in different degrees of freedom. We show that the generated state can be used to teleport a two-qubit state described by the polarization and the OAM. The new teleportation method overcomes the difficulty of measuring in two particle polarization Bell basis, by implementing independent single particle two-qubit Bell measurements. We give novel schematic setups for the realization of gates and measurements involved in the teleportation. The described three particle hyper-entangled states can be utilized for a multi-party teleportation scheme with two senders and a common receiver.