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Yukio Tomozawa

Yukio Tomozawa

University of Michigan, USA

Title: Evidence for A Dark Matter Particle


Biography: Yukio Tomozawa


The author published a proposal in 1985 that suggested cosmic rays are emitted from AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei) or massive black holes. In that proposal, the knee energy in the cosmic ray energy spectrum is the interface between the radiation-dominated expansion rate and the matter-dominated expansion rate for an expanding heat bath. As such, it requires the existence of a particle of mass at 3 PeV, the knee energy value. Assuming that this provides a mass scale for new physics, one can compute the mass of the dark matter particle as the lowest mass state of the new physics. Choosing a supersymmetric theory which provides a large mass ratio, one can predict the dark matter particle mass of 8.1 TeV. The analysis of a recent HESS data shows a gamma ray spectrum that peaks at 7.6 ± 0.1 TeV. The agreement between the theoretical prediction and the observational data suggests the search for the other predicted particles with the mass of 26.8 TeV, 78.0 TeV and 3 PeV.