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C Wei Xu

C Wei Xu

Verizon Communications, USA

Title: Unified theory for all physics and beyond


Biography: C Wei Xu


For the first time in mankind history, the natural laws of our universe is uncovered systematically, philosophically and mathematically, which convey the principles of YinYang movement governing all physical events, transforming universe particles, and constituting extendable physical hierarchies. It develops the dynamic fields, called Horizon Fields, which form and give rise to physical horizons: From inception of time, energy, mass, and space, to elementary particles, to quantum fields, to thermodynamics, to electromagnetism, gravitational force, and beyond. These applications of the evolutionary processes to contemporary theoretical physics therefore derive a complete picture of the principal equations, important assumptions, and essential laws, promoting scientific research to the next level by: 1. Delivering the terminology for a topological framework of cosmology aligned with the synthesis of virtual and physical worlds in a hierarchical taxonomy of the universe, 2. Describing full-scale properties for all fundamental particles, including quarks, leptons, bosons, dark energy, and composite particles, and their entire nature formation of physics, 3. Delineating YinYang physics as a foundation of Cosmology, Quantum Physics, Astrology, and Biophysics across all mass and matter. Intuitively following the system of YinYang philosophy, this concise theory is accessible and replicable by readers with a basic background in mathematical derivation for theoretical physics.

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