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Yukio Tomozawa

Yukio Tomozawa

University of Michigan, USA

Title: Physical metric in general relativity and masses of black hole merger for the gravitational waves, GW150914


Biography: Yukio Tomozawa


The author starts from the experimental test of General Relativity on time delay in the solar system by Shapiro et al. The most recent experiment using the Cassini satellite attained an 1 in 10^5 accuracy level. This indicates that the Schwarzschild metric is not a correct metric and the correct metric is the author’s physical metric, in which the speed of light on the spherical direction is constrained to be the value in vacuum. This is a conceptually natural assumption, since the spherical direction is perpendicular to the radial direction which is the direction of the gravity. In this new metric, the size of compact objects, neutron stars and black holes, becomes 2.60 times larger than that of the Schwarzschild radius and is called the extended horizon. The temperature of compact objects is found to be very high, as is evidenced from the existence of highly ionized atoms in the X-ray measurement of compact objects. In this metric, both the point source and a constant density distribution, the internal solution inside the extended horizon is shown to be a repulsive gravitational force, while the gravity outside the extended horizon remains attractive. The repulsive nature of gravity inside the extended horizon is the source for the supernova explosion as well as the reason for high energy cosmic rays generated from AGN, Active Galactic Nuclei, which are massive black holes.rn Using the physical metric in General Relativity, the author suggests that the masses of the merging black holes which produced the gravitational waves in LIGO, GW150914, must be reduced by a factor of 2.60. The masses of the merging black holes are 11.2 (+1.5, -1.5) M_{⊙} and 13.8 (+1.9, -1.5) M_{⊙} and the final mass of the resulting black hole is 23.8 (+1.5, -1.5) M_{⊙}. These masses of the merging black holes are consistent with the observed values of black hole masses.rn

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