Nir Bar-Gill
Hebrew University, Israel
Title: NV centers in diamond - quantum coherence, noise and nanoscale MRI
Biography: Nir Bar-Gill
Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond provide a unique nanoscale quantum spin system embedded in a solid-state structure. As such they are well suited for studies in a wide variety of fields, with emerging applications ranging from quantum information processing to magnetic field sensing and nano-MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Importantly, NVs possess unique optical transitions which allow for optical initialization and readout of their quantum spin state. In this talk I will introduce the field of NV centers, and describe our research into understanding and controlling these systems, with the goal of enabling fundamental research and future applications. I will present the techniques used for manipulation of the NV centers, and for enhancing their quantum coherence lifetime. Specifically, I will describe our recent work on extending the coherence time of arbitrary quantum states, and on spectrally characterizing the noise which limits coherence in shallow NVs. I will then demonstrate how these approaches can be used for magnetic field sensing and nanoscale NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and MRI.