Theme: Chronicling the Progressions from Quantum Physics Theories to the Advanced Technologies

Quantum Physics 2017

Renowned Speakers

Quantum Physics 2017

Conference Series cordially invites all the participants to attend "2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology" during September 25-26, 2017 at Berlin, Germany. The main theme of the conference is “Chronicling the Progression from Classical Quantum Physics to the Advanced Technology”.

Quantum Physics refers to the discrete units of matter and energy that are predicted by and observed in quantum physics. Quantum Physics is the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, sub-nuclear particles and light. It is the branch of physics that uses various quantum theories to describe and predict the properties of a physical system which is also called as Quantum Mechanics. The word quantum refers to discreteness, i.e., the existence of individual "lumps" as opposed to a continuum. Quantum physics is a probability theory where probability amplitudes appear.

Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering, which transitions the properties of quantum mechanics into practical applications such as quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology and quantum imaging.


Track 1: Quantum Science

Quantum Science brings together the diverse subject communities that are now working on all aspects of quantum information science and quantum-empowered technologies. This is an inherently multidisciplinary field rapidly expanding and fast-moving that spans fundamental research to applied science. Quantum Science is one of today’s most active and rapidly expanding fields of research and development.

Related Conferences of Quantum Science:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Majorana States In Condensed Matter: Towards Topological Quantum Computation, May 14-20, 2017 Mallorca, Spain; Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, May 15-19, 2017 Germany; Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics 2017 (FQMT'17), Jul 9-15, 2017 Prague, Czech Republic.

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 2: Quantum States

The state of a quantum system is referred by a Quantum State. Quantum system can be either of pure or mixed. Hilbert space is a state vector which represents a pure Quantum State. If Hilbert space is represented as a space function, then its elements are called wave functions. When groups of particles or pairs interact or are generated in such ways that a quantum state may be given for the system as a whole instead of describing the quantum state of each particle independently and then the phenomenon of entanglement occurs. The lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have is the Quantum vacuum zero-point energy. Even in the ground state, all quantum mechanical systems undergo and have associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like nature.

Related Conferences of Quantum States:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Quantum Africa 4, May 1-5, 2017 Tunisia; New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (CQS), May 25-29, 2017 Cartagena, Spain; Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter (QFLM 2017), May 8-12, 2017 Cargèse, France.

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 3: Quantum Field Theory

We can find the infrared (IR) divergence only in theories with massless particles (such as photons). They represent a legitimate effect generally implied by a complete theory. Imposing an infrared cut off and limiting it as the cut off approaches zero is one way to deal with it. BRST quantization denotes a rigorous mathematical approach in quantizing a field theory with gauge symmetry. Especially in non-abelian QFT , Quantization rules in earlier QFT frameworks resembled various prescriptions rather than proofs, and for technical reasons related to renormalization and anomaly cancellation, the use of ghost fields with inexplicable properties is almost unavoidable.

Related Conferences of Quantum Field Theory:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 4: The Theory of Everything: String Theory

A string is a physical entity that appears in string theory and related subjects. Strings are one-dimensional extended objects unlike elementary particles, which are zero-dimensional or point-like by definition. Super symmetry is a theory of particle physics which is a proposed type of space time symmetry that relates two basic elementary particles classes: bosons (integer-valued spin), and fermions (half-integer spin).String Theory is a theoretical framework in which one-dimensional objects called strings replace the point-like particles. Every mode in quantum string theory is identified with a fundamental element. The equations describing the mode correspond exactly with those defining the particle.

Related Conferences of String Theory:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Strings 2017 conference, June 26-29, 2017 Israel; String Phenomenology 2017, July 3-7, 2017 USA; String-Math Conference 2017, July 24-29, 2017 Hamburg, Germany; Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions, July 16 -28, 2017

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 5: Flow of Time

When you stand outside the universe, outside both space and time and look at your life, you would see your birth, your death and every moment of your life laid out as distinct points. From this angle, time does not flow, but is static and fixed. In this block universe as it’s called past, present and future are all individual points and our perception of time flowing from the past to the future is only an illusion. For many physicists, this view of the universe may seem strange, but it is the one that best suits the current theories of space and time, such as Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Even though physicists are not comfortable relegating time to the backwaters of physics, they are attempting to resolve our perception of flowing time with the equations that describe the universe. The saviours of time have turned to quantum physics to bring meaning back to the “now” of our lives, which says that until we measure a quantum object at a point where its state becomes fixed, the future isn’t set. So each “now” determines the future that is always just beyond our reach. Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, where future possibilities come into existence every time we take measurements.

Related Conferences of Flow of Time:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 6: Quantum Physics and the Universe

 The physical study of astronomical objects that release electromagnetic radiations of extremely energetic wavelengths like X-ray astronomy, gamma-ray astronomy, and extreme UV astronomy, study on neutrinos and cosmic rays is referred to as Quantum Astrophysics. The High Energy Astrophysics Division mainly focuses on X-ray astronomy via interpretations of high-energy sources with equipment aboard satellites, skyrockets, balloons, and the Space Shuttle. The Division also progresses new equipment for future space missions to address the physical processes involved in producing X-rays, the matter in the Universe, and the origin, evolution, and the ultimate fate of the Universe. X-ray astronomy made rapid progress though having very short history.

Related Conferences of Quantum Physics and the Universe:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 7: Quantum Information and Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is exploiting and essentially harnessing the astounding laws of quantum mechanics to process information. Quantum computing studies theoretical systems that make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data and rather than storing information as 0s or 1s as conventional computers do. A quantum computer uses qubits – which can be a 0 or a 1 or both at the same time. Well a qubit is a quantum system that encodes 0 and 1 into two distinct quantum states. Quantum computers would theoretically be able to solve certain problems much more quickly than any conventional computers. Computational physics is the study and application of numerical analysis to solve problems in physics which already has a quantitative theory in existence. Many national governments and military agencies are funding for both practical and theoretical research of Quantum computing in an effort to develop quantum computers.

Related Conferences of Quantum Computing:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Majorana States In Condensed Matter: Towards Topological Quantum Computation, May 14-20, 2017 Mallorca, Spain; Quantum Physics of Information, Santa Barbara, USA; Quantum Sensing: Harnessing Quantum Coherence for Nanoscale Resolution and Sensitivity, July 2-7, 2017 Hong Kong, China.

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 8: Quantum Optics

Quantum optics is a branch of quantum physics that focuses primarily in the study of interaction of individual quanta of light, so called photons with atoms and molecules. Photons have been utilized to test a number of the unreasonable predictions of quantum mechanics, like entanglement and teleportation, and are a helpful asset for quantum information processing. Quantum optics views electromagnetic radiation as travelling as both wave and particle, known as wave particle duality. The most common explanation of how this functions is that the photons move in a stream of particles, yet the general behavior of those particles are determined by a quantum wave function that determines the probability of the particles being in a given location at a given point of time.

Related Conferences of Quantum Optics:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter (QFLM 2017), May 8-12, 2017 Cargèse, France; Quantum Optics to Quantum Technology, July 11-13, 2017 The Royal Society, London, United Kingdom; Quantum Control of Light & Matter, Aug 6-11, 2017 South Hadley, USA; International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics, Sep 26-29, 2017 Roma, Italy.

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 9: In Depth Quantum Mechanics

In quantum mechanics, if the energy level corresponds to two or more measurable states of a quantum system, it is said to be degenerate. On the other hand, if two or more states of a quantum mechanical system give the same value of energy upon measurement, they are also said to be degenerate. The exchange interaction between identical particles is a quantum mechanical effect. (Actually, one should better speak only of the exchange energy, or the exchange term, to elude the inappropriate idea that this effect corresponds to a classical force or potential). (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, Quantum electrodynamics describes how light and matter interacts and is the first theory to achieve full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity.

Related Conferences of In Depth Quantum Mechanics:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society |Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 10: Quantum Mechanics Interpretations

An Interpretation in quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how quantum mechanics enlightens our understanding of nature. The locality principle in physics states that an object is directly influenced by its immediate surroundings. If a physical theory is consistent with the principle of locality, it is said to be a local theory. The quantum action although is superficially different from the path integral formulation, it is an operator where the action is a classical function and the modern formulation of the two formalisms are identical. Interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to provide a theoretical context for understanding the aspects of quantum mechanics which are not easily handled by the perceptions used for classical physics.

Related Conferences of Quantum Mechanics Interpretation:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 11: Quantum Transport and Dissipation

Quantum dissipation is a branch that studies the quantum analogues of the process of irreversible loss of energy witnessed at the classical level. It derives the laws of classical dissipation from the framework of quantum mechanics. Dissipative system is the thermodynamically open system operating out of, and often far from thermodynamic equilibrium in the surroundings with which it exchanges energy and matter. Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering that transitions some of the stranger features of quantum mechanics like quantum entanglement and quantum tunnelling, into practical applications like quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology, quantum sensing, and quantum imaging.

Related Conferences of Quantum Transport and Dissipation:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 12: Physical Mathematics

The mathematical quantum mechanics formulations are those formalisms that permit a rigorous description of quantum mechanics. The mathematics permits calculation of many quantities that can be measured experimentally though there is a definite theoretical limit to values that can be measured simultaneously. Prior to the emergence of quantum mechanics as a separate theory, the mathematics used in physics comprised mainly of formal mathematical analysis beginning with calculus and with increasing complexity up to differential geometry and partial differential equations. Wave Particle Duality is the concept which states that every elementary particle entity exhibits the properties of both particles and waves. It addresses the incapability of the classical concepts "particle or wave" to fully describe the behaviour of quantum-scale objects. The WKB approximation is a method to find approximate solutions to linear differential equations with spatially varying coefficients. It is generally used for semi classical calculations in quantum mechanics.

Related Conferences of Physical Mathematics:                          

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA; Spin Mechanics 4, Feb 20-25 2017 Alberta, Canada; 11th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Aug 07-11, 2017 Ghent.

Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

Track 13: Quantum Technology

Various new applications, technologies and innovations in the fields of quantum physics are coming into existence. Research in these fields is expanding very vastly and the outcomes may change the future and the way of the understanding the behaviour of the nature. Series of new innovations and theories still incessant though the research has started centuries back.

Related Conferences of Latest Technologies, Innovations and Applications:

6th International Conference on Photonics, Jul 31-Aug 01, 2017 Milan, Italy; 7th International Conference on Laser Optics, Jul 31-Aug 02, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Physics, Aug 28-29, 2017 Brussels, Belgium; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dec 11-12, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd International Conference Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Oct 19-20, 2017 New York, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Oct 30-Nov1, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Nov 8-9, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Nov 2-4, 2017 San Antonio, USA

 Related Societies:

American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics‎ | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America

The 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology will exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Laboratories, Research Organizations, Management Consultants, Physicists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

Conference Series heartily welcomes you to attend the "2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology" during   September 25-26, 2017 at Berlin, Germany.

The main theme of the conference is "Chronicling the progressions from Quantum Physics Theories to the Advanced Technologies".

We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering. Quantum Physics 2017 anticipates more than 300 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations.

Opportunity to attend the presentations delivered by eminent scientists, researchers, experts from all over the world. Participation in sessions on specific topics on which the conference is expected to achieve progress. Global networking in transferring and exchanging Ideas. Share your excitement in promoting new ideas, developments and innovations in Quantum Physics 2017.

Why to Attend?

In the light of this theme, the conference series aims to disseminate the advancements of research in quantum physics to the global community by creating a platform for active participation, exchange of expertise and lateral thinking from researchers, scientists, and educators through invited plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and oral and poster sessions of unsolicited contributions.

Conference Series look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring, educational and enjoyable program in Berlin, Germany with the intent of emphasizing the applications of Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology research to the improvement of the global strength.

Target Audience:

  • Directors of companies
  • Researchers
  • Professors
  • Lecturers
  • Scientists
  • Students
  • Managers  & Business Intelligence Experts
  • Research students and Research Institutes
  • Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives


To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 25-26, 2017
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1 Day 2
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View