Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology, will be organized around the theme “Chronicling the Progressions from Quantum Physics Theories to the Advanced Technologies”
Quantum Physics 2017 is comprised of 13 tracks and 275 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Quantum Physics 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Quantum chemistry primary focus the application of quantum mechanics in physical models and experiments of chemical systems. Quantum Crystallography (QCr) concerns the combining of crystallographic data with quantum-mechanical techniques in such a way that it should be possible to obtain information of enhanced value. Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering, which transitions some of the properties of quantum mechanics, especially quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and quantum tunnelling, into practical applications such as quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology and quantum imaging.In the practical cases of the quantum devices, any quantum system of interest is never isolated, but in an environment of other degrees of freedom: an atom is always placed in a free electromagnetic field at a certain temperature, a nucleon of an atomic nucleus is placed in the field of the collective vibrations/fluctuations of the other nucleons, an electron of a quantum dot in a crystal is placed in the dissipative environment of the crystal vibrations and of other electrons providing the control potentials, etc. In the practical cases, the quantum dynamics is described by master equations, which, besides the Hamiltonian terms, include dissipative terms. Sometimes, these terms are essential for the device operation.
- Track 1-1Quantum Crystallography
- Track 1-2Quantum Error-Correction
- Track 1-3Quantum Networks
- Track 1-4Open Quantum Dot
- Track 1-5Open Atom
- Track 1-6Master Equations for Systems of Quantum Particles
- Track 1-7Microscopic Open Quantum Physics
- Track 1-8Quantum Metrology
- Track 1-9Experimental Physics
- Track 1-10Quantum Beam Science
- Track 1-11Quantum Effects in Biological Systems
- Track 1-12Quantum Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
- Track 1-13Quantum Theory of Radiation
- Track 1-14Quantum Chemistry
- Track 1-15Quantum Gravity
- Track 1-16Quantum Thermodynamics
- Track 1-17Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
- Track 1-18Quantum Metaphysics
- Track 1-19Quantum Electronics
- Track 1-20Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry
In Quantum Physics, Quantum State refers to the state of a Quantum system. Quantum system can be either pure or mixed. A pure Quantum state is represented by a vector, called a state vector, in a Hilbert space. If this Hilbert Space is represented as a function space, then its elements are called Wave functions. when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the Quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently instead, a Quantum state may be given for the system as a whole then the phenomenon Entanglement occurs. Quantum vacuum zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a Quantum mechanical physical system may have. All Quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like nature. It is the energy of its ground state. The symmetry of a particle state is determined by spin. At the same time, the state dynamics of quantum systems determines the entropy dynamics, as a characteristic of the order evolution. Recently, has been found that, while in a molecular system the entropy always increases (principle 2 of thermodynamics), in a matter-field system the entropy may decrease, suggesting interesting applications, such as environmental heat conversion into usable energy.
- Track 2-1Coherent and Squeezed Coherent State
- Track 2-2Quantum Entanglement
- Track 2-3Quantum Indeterminacy
- Track 2-4Uncertainty Principle
- Track 2-5Zero Point energy
- Track 2-6Wave Particle Duality
- Track 2-7Wave Function collapse
- Track 2-8Various Quantum States
- Track 2-9Quasinormal Mode
- Track 2-10No-Cloning Theorem
- Track 2-11Ultra-Fast Quantum Phenomena
- Track 2-12Quantum Chromodynamics
- Track 2-13The Spin-Statistic Relation
- Track 2-14The State and the Entropy Dynamics of a Matter-Field System
Quantum field theory is a body of physical principles that combines the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour and their interactions of subatomic particles via a variety of force fields. In quantum field theory, quantum mechanical interactions between particles are described by interaction terms between the corresponding underlying quantum fields. These interactions are conveniently visualized by Feynman diagrams, that also serve as a formal tool to evaluate various processes.
- Track 3-1Quantization of Non Abelian Gauge Theories
- Track 3-2Supergravity
- Track 3-3Can We Feel The 5th Dimension?
- Track 3-4Anomalies
- Track 3-5Spontaneously Broken Global and local Symmetries
- Track 3-6Quantum Brownian Motion
- Track 3-7Quantum Decoherence and Dephasing
- Track 3-8Quantum Fermi Paradox
- Track 3-9General Renormanlization Theory
- Track 3-10Renormalization Group Methods
- Track 3-11Quantization of Electromagnetic Field
- Track 3-12Symmetric Quantum Physics
- Track 3-13Path-Ordering
- Track 3-14Heavy Quark Physics
- Track 3-15Ultraviolet Divergence
- Track 3-16The Feynman Rules
- Track 3-17Infrared Divergence, Infrared Fixed Point
- Track 3-18Classical Field Theory
- Track 3-19Conformal Field Theory
In physics, a string is a physical object that appears in string theory and related subjects. Unlike elementary particles, which are zero-dimensional or point-like by definition, strings are one-dimensional extended objects, Computational physics is the study and implementation of numerical analysis to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. Super symmetry (SUSY), a theory of particle physics, is a proposed type of space time symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued "spin", and fermions, which have a half-integer spin. In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.
- Track 4-1Nonlinear sigma model
- Track 4-2Tachyon Condensation
- Track 4-3RNS Formalism
- Track 4-4String Theory Landscape
- Track 4-5Superstring Revolutions
- Track 4-6String Dualities
- Track 4-7String Duality Below Ten Dimensions
- Track 4-8Particles and Fields
- Track 4-9Branes
- Track 4-10Calabi-Yau Compactification
- Track 4-11Physics In Four Dimensions
- Track 4-12Super symmetry
- Track 4-13Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Track 4-14String Field Theory
- Track 4-15String Theories
- Track 4-16Non-Commutative Geometry
The problem of the flow of time, as it has been treated in analytic philosophy, owes its beginning to a paper written by J. M. E. McTaggart. In this paper he proposes two "temporal series". The first series, which means to account for our intuitions about temporal becoming, or the moving Now, is called the A-series. The A-series orders events according to their being in the past, present or future, simpliciter and in comparison to each other. The B-series eliminates all reference to the present, and the associated temporal modalities of past and future, and orders all events by the temporal relations earlier than and later than.In his paper "The Unreality of Time", argues that time is unreal since a) the A-series is inconsistent and b) the B-series alone cannot account for the nature of time as the A-series describes an essential feature of it.
- Track 5-1Physics of Time
- Track 5-2Space-Time Continuum
- Track 5-3Quantum Nature of Time
- Track 5-4Quantum Entanglement
- Track 5-5Gravitational/Spacetime Singularity
- Track 5-6The Theory of Relativity
- Track 5-713.8 Billion Years After Big Bang: Has The Universe Reached Equilibrium?!
- Track 5-8Changing Places - Space And Time Inside A Black Hole
- Track 5-9Black Hole Paradox
- Track 5-10Twin Paradox
- Track 5-11Presentism and Eternalism
- Track 5-12Direction of Time
- Track 5-13Casual Set Theory
- Track 5-14Arrow of Time: The Ultimate Theory of Time
- Track 5-15The Block Universe: A picture of change
- Track 6-1Inflation and String Cosmology
- Track 6-2Quantum Probabilities for Inflation from Holography
- Track 6-3Significance of Quantum Physics in Astrophysics
- Track 6-4The Universe As A Set Of Harmonic Oscillators
- Track 6-5String Theory: The Four Space-Time Dimensions
- Track 6-6The Theory of Cosmic Inflation: An Expansion Just After Big Bang
- Track 6-7Cosmic Singularity
- Track 6-8Big Bounce Hypotesis
- Track 6-9String Gas Cosmology
- Track 6-10Brane Cosmology
- Track 6-11Quantum cosmology
A Quantum computer maintains a sequence of qubits. A single qubit can represent a one, a zero, or any quantum superposition of those two qubit states; a pair of qubits can be in any quantum superposition of 4 states, and three qubits in any superposition of 8 states. An Interpretation of Quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how Quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. In physics, the locality principle states that an object is only directly influenced by its immediate surroundings. Post-quantum cryptography refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. This is not true of the most popular public-key algorithms which can be efficiently broken by a sufficiently large quantum computer. The problem with the currently popular algorithms is that their security relies on one of three hard mathematical problems: the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm problem or the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
- Track 7-1Quantum Key Distribution
- Track 7-2Quantum Tomography
- Track 7-3Quantum Logic and Simulation
- Track 7-4Trapped-Ion Quantum Engineering
- Track 7-5Quantum Communication
- Track 7-6Quantum Qubits
- Track 7-7Quantum Shannon Theory
- Track 7-8Quantum Memory
- Track 7-9Quantum Gates
- Track 7-10Quantum Many-Body Systems
- Track 7-11Methods In Quantum Molecular Dynamics
- Track 7-12Quantum Walks
- Track 7-13Quantum Cryptography
- Track 7-14Quantum Spin Systems
- Track 7-15Quantum Dots
- Track 7-16Quantum Information Theory
- Track 7-17Computational Complexity Theory
- Track 7-18Quantum Algorithms
- Track 7-19Quantum Circuits
- Track 7-20Open System Dynamics And Decoherence
- Track 8-1Quantum Lasers
- Track 8-2Quantum Photonics
- Track 8-3Quantum Imaging
- Track 8-4Optical Gating
- Track 8-5Quantum Noise
- Track 8-6Quantum Interference
- Track 8-7Nonclassicality
- Track 8-8Quantum Electrodynamics
- Track 8-9Ultracold Trapped Atoms
- Track 8-10Quantum Phenomena
- Track 8-11Quantum Theory of Light
In Quantum mechanics, an energy level is said to be degenerate if it corresponds to two or more different measurable states of a quantum system. Conversely, two or more different states of a Quantum mechanical system are said to be degenerate if they give the same value of energy upon measurement. The exchange interaction is a Quantum mechanical effect between identical particles. (Actually, one should better speak only of the exchange energy, or the exchange term, to avoid the incorrect idea that this effect corresponds to a classical force or potential.) In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interacts and is the first theory where full agreement between Quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. Recently, it has been discovered that a quantum particle is described by a non-conventional wave packet which, instead of the Hamiltonian includes the Lagrangian in the time dependent phase of the wave functions. Adopting a quantum relativistic principle which asserts that the time dependent phase of a quantum particle is invariant for an arbitrary exchange of coordinates, the relativistic mechanics of the particle and the electrodynamics of a field interacting with this particle are obtained.
- Track 9-1Corelation and Degeneracy Quantum Mechanics
- Track 9-2Quantum Functional Circutary
- Track 9-3Exchange Interaction
- Track 9-4Non Relativistic Quantum Theory
- Track 9-5Hidden non linear symmetries and super symmetry in Quantum Systems
- Track 9-6Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime
- Track 9-7Post-Quantum Cryptography
- Track 9-8Relativistic Equations as Group Velocities of a Packet of Wave Functions
- Track 9-9Relativistic Equations of a Field Interacting with a Quantum Particle
- Track 9-10Electromagnetic Field
- Track 9-11The Spin as a Characteristic of a Packet of Wave Functions
- Track 9-12Other Possible Fields Interacting with a Quantum Particle
An Interpretation of Quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how Quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. In physics, the locality principle states that an object is only directly influenced by its immediate surroundings. A physical theory is said to be a local theory if it is consistent with the principle of locality. The quantum action is an operator, although it is superficially different from the path integral formulation where the action is a classical function, the modern formulation of the two formalisms are identical. Interpretations of Quantum mechanics attempt to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the many aspects of Quantum mechanics which are not easily handled by the conceptual framework used for classical physics.
- Track 10-1Locality Principle
- Track 10-2Quantum Logic
- Track 10-3CHSH Inequality
- Track 10-4Quantum Information Theories
- Track 10-5Quantum Physics Formulation
- Track 10-6Bell Test Loopholes
- Track 10-7Hidden Variable Theory
- Track 10-8Many-Worlds And Minds Interpretation
- Track 10-9Quantum Artificial Intelligence
- Track 10-10Photonic Communications
- Track 10-11Quantum Communications
- Track 10-12Global Positioning System
- Track 10-13Other Interpretations
Quantum dissipation is the branch of physics that studies the quantum analogues of the process of irreversible loss of energy observed at the classical level. Its main purpose is to derive the laws of classical dissipation from the framework of quantum mechanics. A dissipative system is a thermodynamically open system which is operating out of, and often far from, thermodynamic equilibrium in an environment with which it exchanges energy and matter. Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering, which transitions some of the stranger features of quantum mechanics, especially quantum entanglement and most recently quantum tunnelling, into practical applications such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology, quantum sensing, and quantum imaging.
- Track 11-1Theory of Coherent Transport
- Track 11-2Quantization of Transport
- Track 11-3Quantum Hall Transport
- Track 11-4Single-Electron Tunneling
- Track 11-5Weak Localization Theory
- Track 11-6Quantum Chaos In Quantum Transport
- Track 11-7Dissipative Quantum Systems
- Track 11-8Driven Quantum Systems
- Track 11-9Dissipation Models
- Track 11-10Quantum Technologies and Information Processing
Wave Particle Duality is the concept that every elementary particle entity exhibits the properties of not only particles, but also waves. It addresses the inability of the classical concepts "particle" or "wave" to fully describe the behaviour of Quantum-scale objects. The WKB approximation is a method for finding approximate solutions to linear differential equations with spatially varying coefficients. It is typically used for a semi classical calculation in Quantum mechanics. Wightman axioms are an attempt at a mathematically rigorous formulation of Quantum field theory.
- Track 12-1Hilbert Space
- Track 12-2Boltzmanns Equation
- Track 12-3Neutron Transport
- Track 12-4Mathematics of Classical Quantum Physics
- Track 12-5Particle Orbit And Particle Conservation Problems
- Track 12-6KK-Theory
- Track 12-7Pictures of Dynamics
- Track 12-8Iterative Matrix Inversion Methods
- Track 12-9Flat Space Cosmology
- Track 12-10Statistical Ensemble
- Track 12-11WKB Approximation
- Track 12-12Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing
- Track 12-13Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
- Track 12-14Wightman Axioms
- Track 12-15Wave–Particle Duality
- Track 12-16Wavefunctions
- Track 12-17Feynman Diagrams
- Track 12-18Complete Set of Commuting Observables
- Track 12-19Schrödinger Equations
- Track 12-20Perturbation Theory
- Track 12-21Particle -In-Cell Technique
- Track 12-22Monte Carlo Radiation Transport
- Track 12-23Monte Carlo Techniques
- Track 12-24BRST Quantization
Quantum realm is a term of art in physics referring to scales where quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. Typically, this means distances of 100 nanometres (10−9 meters) or less or at very low temperature. More precisely, it is where the action or angular momentum is quantized. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are nuclear power plants that smaller in size (300 MWe or less) than current generation base load plants (1,000 MWe or higher). Some time ago, it has been discovered that the penetrability of a potential barrier can be increased by coupling with a dissipative system, which suggests interesting applications in the molecular and the nuclear chemistry. Recently, it has been discovered that in a packet of superradiant systems, supplied by a current application, dissipation can be exceeded by heat absorption at the contacts between these system, suggesting physical structures for heat conversion into usable energy.
- Track 13-1Quantum Motors
- Track 13-2Dissipative Dynamics of an Open System under the Action of a Field
- Track 13-3Quantum Dot Laser
- Track 13-4Field Propagation in an Open System
- Track 13-5Matter-Field Interaction in an Open Quantum System
- Track 13-6Chemical Reactions in an Open Atomic System
- Track 13-7Tunnelling Spectrum in an Open Quantum System
- Track 13-8Barrier Penetrability in an Open Quantum System
- Track 13-9Innovative Technologies
- Track 13-10Quantum Satellite
- Track 13-11Quantum Realm
- Track 13-12Quantum Dot Nanoswitches
- Track 13-13Quantum Heat Engines And Refrigerators
- Track 13-14Superdense Coding
- Track 13-15Quantum Teleportation
- Track 13-16Quantum Storage
- Track 13-17Advanced Quantum Computers
- Track 13-18Quantum Cyber Security
- Track 13-19Quantum Clock