Valentyn A Nastasenko
Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
Title: New principles of solving the problem of combining the gravitational and electromagnetic fields
Biography: Valentyn A Nastasenko
Strict physical regularities were obtained for the first time that allows to single out wave characteristic p from gravitational constant G which is identified with the frequency of gravitational field. On this base, other wave and substance parameters were strictly defined and their numerical values obtained. It was proved that gravitational field with the given wave parameters can be unified only with electromagnetic field having the same wave parameters that's why it is possible only on Plank's level of world creation. The solution of given problems is substantiated by well-known physical laws and has great theoretical and practical importance for understanding the fundamentals of material world and the Universe as a whole which is urgent not only for the development of physics but also for the development of other fields of science, within the frames of the necessity of constant widening of knowledge about material world and physical fields which make it up.