Call for Abstract

5th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Technology(QPNT2019), will be organized around the theme “Advancements and Innovations in Quantum Physics and Nuclear Technology”

Quantum Physics 2019 is comprised of 18 tracks and 150 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Quantum Physics 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Two different approaches to describe the transport properties of single molecules:

1.To study steady-state transport, a combination of density functional theory (DFT) with Greens function techniques has been developed and widely used by several groups and can now be considered the standard ab-initio technique to calculate the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of single molecules sandwiched between two "semi-infinite" metallic leads.

2.The second approach pursued in our group focuses on time-dependent phenomena. The Landauer-plus-DFT approach, by construction, inherits the main assumption of the Landauer formalism that for a system driven out of equilibrium by a dc bias, a steady current will eventually be achieved. In other words, the dynamical formation of a steady state does not follow from the formalism but rather constitutes an assumption.


  • Track 1-1Quantum Spin hall systems
  • Track 1-2Quantum transport in strongly correlated systems
  • Track 1-3Quantum transport in low-dimensional systems
  • Track 1-4Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems
  • Track 1-5Heat Transport
  • Track 1-6Quantum Hall Transport
  • Track 1-7Quantum Transport In Cold Atoms
  • Track 1-8Quantum Confinement
  • Track 1-9Quantum Tunneling
  • Track 1-10Quantum Chaos in Quantum Transport
  • Track 1-11Transport In Graphene
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. At the scale of atoms and electrons, many of the equations of classical mechanics, which describe how things move at everyday sizes and speeds, cease to be useful. In classical mechanics, objects exist in a specific place at a specific time. However, in quantum mechanics, objects instead exist in a haze of probability; they have a certain chance of being at point A, another chance of being at point B and so on.
  • Track 2-1Quantum Modelling
  • Track 2-2 Quantum Psychology
  • Track 2-3Quantum Theory
  • Track 2-4Quantum Logic
  • Track 2-5Quantum Nanomechanics
  • Track 2-6Quantum Coherence
  • Track 2-7Quantum Chaos
  • Track 2-8Hilbert Space
  • Track 2-9Philosophical Implications
  • Track 2-10Mathematical Formulations
  • Track 2-11Quantum Mechanics Interpretations
  • Track 2-12In-depth Quantum Mechanics
  • Track 2-13Paradoxes
  • Track 2-14Quantum Realm
  • Track 2-15Quantum Vacuum
  • Track 2-16Quantum Astrology
  • Track 2-17Quantum Astronomy
  • Track 2-18Hybrid Quantum Systems

Quantum optics (QO) is a field of research that uses semi-classical and quantum-mechanical physics to investigate phenomena involving light and its interactions with matter at submicroscopic levels. In other words it is quantum mechanics applied to photons or light.

Light propagating in a vacuum has its energy and momentum quantized according to an integer number of particles known as photons. Quantum optics studies the nature and effects of light as quantized photons. The first major development leading to that understanding was the correct modeling of the blackbody radiation spectrum by Max Planck, under the hypothesis of light being emitted in discrete units of energy. The photoelectric effect was further evidence of this quantization as explained by Einstein ,Niels Bohr showed that the hypothesis of optical radiation being quantized corresponded to his theory of the quantized energy levels of atoms, and the spectrum of discharge emission from hydrogen in particular. The understanding of the interaction between light and matter following these developments was crucial for the development of quantum mechanics as a whole. However, the subfields of quantum mechanics dealing with matter-light interaction were principally regarded as research into matter rather than into light; hence one rather spoke of atom physics and quantum electronics.


  • Track 3-1Optical Coherence
  • Track 3-2Bell Inequalities
  • Track 3-3Ultra cold atoms & Quantum Gases
  • Track 3-4Quantum Dots
  • Track 3-5Quantum Sensors
  • Track 3-6Quantum states of light
  • Track 3-7Quantum Interferometry
  • Track 3-8Quantum Optoelectronics
  • Track 3-9Quantum Lasers
  • Track 3-10Quantum Photonics
  • Track 3-11Free Quantum Radiation
  • Track 3-12Quantum Memory

Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, the fundamental particles that make up composite hadrons such as the proton, neutron and pion. QCD is a type of quantum field theory called a non-abelian gauge theory, with symmetry group SU(3). The QCD analog of electric charge is a property called color. Gluons are the force carrier of the theory, like photons are for the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics. The theory is an important part of the Standard Model of particle physics.

QCD exhibits two main properties:

  • Color confinement-This is a consequence of the constant force between two color charges as they are separated: In order to increase the separation between two quarks within a hadron, ever-increasing amounts of energy are required. Eventually this energy produces a quark–antiquark pair, turning the initial hadron into a pair of hadrons instead of producing an isolated color charge. Although analytically unproven, color confinement is well established from lattice QCD calculations and decades of experiments.
  • Asymptotic freedom- A steady reduction in the strength of interactions between quarks and gluons as the energy scale of those interactions increases (and the corresponding length scale decreases).


  • Track 4-1Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Track 4-2Perturbative QCD
  • Track 4-3Lattice QCD
  • Track 4-4Effective Field Theories
  • Track 4-5Chiral Perturbation Theory
  • Track 4-6Dense Quark Matter
  • Track 4-7Correlations & Fluctuations
Quantum condensed matter theory attempts to describe and sometimes to predict the behavior of systems of relatively large numbers of particles (as many as 1024 for bulk systems or as few as 1010 for two-dimensional layers or even fewer for carbon nanotubes) at low energies, typically far less than 0.1 eV. The variety of systems that are treated is extremely rich, including metals and superconductors, ionic and magnetic systems, semiconductors, glasses and superfluid. The basic tools of the condensed matter theorist are quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics as well as many-body theory, path integrals, topology, group theory, density functional theory, computational physics and so forth.


  • Track 5-1Quantum Spin Systems
  • Track 5-2Quantum many-body systems
  • Track 5-3Quantum phase transitions
  • Track 5-4Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations
  • Track 5-5Quantum Dynamics through classical trajectories
  • Track 5-6Quantum Criticality
  • Track 5-7High-temperature Superconductivity
  • Track 5-8Quantum Phenomena
  • Track 5-9Correlated Quantum Systems
  • Track 5-10Quantum Hall Effect
  • Track 5-11Quantum Wire
  • Track 5-12Quantum topological excitations
  • Track 5-13Quantum magnets

The quantum field theory is an area of theoretical physics, in the principles of classic field theory and the quantum mechanics are combined to form an expanded theory. It goes beyond quantum mechanics by uniformly describing particles and fields. Not only so-called observables are quantized, but also the interacting ones fields themselves; Fields and observables are treated analogously.The quantization of the fields is also called second quantization.This explicitly takes into account the formation and annihilation of elementary particles.

The methods of quantum field theory are mainly used in elementary particle physics and in statistical mechanics. A distinction is made here between relativistic quantum field theories, which take into account the special theory of relativity and are frequently used in elementary particle physics, and non-relativistic quantum field theories, which are relevant for example in solid state physics.


  • Track 6-1Renormalization
  • Track 6-2Quantum freezing phenomenon
  • Track 6-3The van Cittert-Zernike theorem
  • Track 6-4Non-abelian Gauge Theories
  • Track 6-5Scalar Fields
  • Track 6-6Conformal Field Theory
  • Track 6-7Quantum decoherence
  • Track 6-8Wiener-Khintchine theory
  • Track 6-9Super Gravity
  • Track 6-10Quantum correlations
  • Track 6-11Dirac Equation
  • Track 6-12Quantum Electrodynamics

String theory is a framework to build models of quantum gravity.This relates quantum gravity in a spacetime that asymptotes to anti-de Sitter space with an ordinary quantum field theory that lives in one lower dimension, and has a symmetry under angle-preserving (conformal) transformations.

This is interesting because it provides us with a non-perturbative definition of quantum gravity, in a setup that is rich enough to permit black holes, non-trivial scattering, and is related to cosmological models.


  • Track 7-1String Dualities
  • Track 7-2Loop Quantum Gravity
  • Track 7-3Bose-Einstein condensation
  • Track 7-4Super-String Theory
  • Track 7-5M-Theory
  • Track 7-6S-Matrix
  • Track 7-7String Cosmology
  • Track 7-8Problem of Time
  • Track 7-9Black Hole Thermodynamics
  • Track 7-10Superfluidity
Quantum information science is an area of study based on the idea that information science depends on quantum effects in physics. It includes theoretical issues in computational models as well as more experimental topics in quantum physics including what can and cannot be done with quantum information. The term quantum information theory is sometimes used, but it fails to encompass experimental research in the area and can be confused with a subfield of quantum information science that studies the processing of quantum information.


  • Track 8-1Quantum Nanoscience
  • Track 8-2Quantum Cryptography
  • Track 8-3Quantum Cosmology
  • Track 8-4Quantum Chemistry
  • Track 8-5Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Track 8-6Quantum States
  • Track 8-7Schrödinger equation
  • Track 8-8Quantum Electronics
  • Track 8-9Quantum Magnetism
  • Track 8-10Quantum Materials
  • Track 8-11Quantum Dynamics
  • Track 8-12Quantum Monte Carlo
  • Track 8-13Quantum Nanomechanics

Nuclear physics is the field of science that studies about atomic nuclei, constituents and interactions. Nuclear Physics on the other hand, apprehensions itself with the particles of the nucleus called nucleons (protons & neutrons). The research in this field has led to many applications such as  nuclear power, nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. The modern nuclear physics includes nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, nuclear decay and Production of "heavy" elements using atomic number greater than five.

  • Track 9-1Nuclear Power and Energy
  • Track 9-2Nuclear Thermodynamics
  • Track 9-3Nuclear forces and accelerators
  • Track 9-4Nuclear Weapons
  • Track 9-5Nuclear stability and structure
  • Track 9-6Nuclear Safety
  • Track 9-7Nuclear fuel and emissions

Nuclear Medicine is one of the applications of nuclear physics. The technologies used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic imaging are Rontgen’s discovery of X rays and Becquerel’s discovery of natural radioactivity. The main focus in nuclear medicine in physics is the diagnostic application of Nuclear Medicine which medicine involves the administration of trace amounts of compounds labelled with radioactivity (radionuclides) that are used to provide diagnostic information in many disease.

  • Track 10-1Nuclear to molecular imaging
  • Track 10-2Radioisotopes for nuclear medicine
  • Track 10-3Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
  • Track 10-4Nuclear medicine imaging systems
  • Track 10-5Dosimetry and biological effects of radiation

Nuclear reactor physics deals with the study and application of chain reaction to make a controlled rate of fission in a nuclear reactor for the production of energy. Many nuclear reactors use this chain reaction to bring a controlled rate of nuclear fission in fissile material which releases both energy and free neutrons. The reactor comprises of nuclear fuel, generally surrounded by a neutron moderator such as regular water, heavy water, graphite or zirconium hydride.

  • Track 11-1Nuclear binding energy
  • Track 11-2Reactor Kinetics
  • Track 11-3Fast reactor lattices
  • Track 11-4Neutron diffusion physics
  • Track 11-5Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • Track 11-6Heavi ion reactions

Nuclear engineering is the division of engineering, which is the analysis (fission) as well as the arrangement (fusion) of atomic nuclei or the application of other sub-atomic physics, based on the ideologies of nuclear physics. Nuclear engineering deals with the application of nuclear energy which includes nuclear power plants, submarine propulsion systems, food production, nuclear weapons and radioactive-waste disposal facilities. The field also includes the study of medical and other applications of radiation, nuclear safety and the problems of nuclear proliferation.

  • Track 12-1Nuclear Materials and Data
  • Track 12-2Actinides and Related Isotopes
  • Track 12-3Nuclear Power Reactors
  • Track 12-4Fuel Engineering

Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion are dissimilar types of reactions that release due to the formation of nuclei with higher nuclear binding energy. Nuclear fission is also a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into lighter nuclei, which produces neutrons and photons and also releases a large amount of energy. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at very high energy to form one or more altered atomic nuclei and subatomic particles.

  • Track 13-1Nuclear fusion plasma physics
  • Track 13-2Fission dynamics
  • Track 13-3Fusion reactor energetics
  • Track 13-4Fusion-Fission integration

Nuclear Astrophysics is a combination of nuclear physics and astrophysics which studies about the nuclear reactions and nuclear-level processes that occur naturally in space. Nuclear astrophysics has the spectacular movement in modelling the structure and evolution of stars, as well as in the experimental and theoretical understanding of the atomic nucleus and of its spontaneous or induced transformations.

  • Track 14-1Nucleosynthesis in galaxies
  • Track 14-2Cosmology
  • Track 14-3Active galactic nuclei
  • Track 14-4Neutron detectors
  • Track 14-5Stellar properties, spectra and stellar evolution

Radioactive decay is also known as nuclear decay and it occurs when an unsteady atom loses energy by emitting radiation such as alpha particle, beta particle, gamma rays or electron in the case of internal conversion. Radioactivity is the result of the decay or disintegration of unstable nuclei. This process of radioactive decay can be done using three primary methods; by spontaneous fission (splitting) into two fragments, a nucleus can change one of its neutrons into a proton with the done at the same time emission of an electron (beta decay), by emitting a helium nucleus (alpha decay).

  • Track 15-1Radioactivity and Isotopes
  • Track 15-2Alpha , Beta & Gamma decays
  • Track 15-3Nuclear Power Demonstration
  • Track 15-4Nuclear detectors
  • Track 15-5High energy nuclear physics

Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant. As a nuclear technology, nuclear power can be obtained from nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions.

  • Track 16-1Irradiation Damage
  • Track 16-2Irradiated Microstructures
  • Track 16-3Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Materials
  • Track 16-4Radiation Effects Simulation & Evaluation Techniques
  • Track 16-5Integrated Phenomena in Reactor Materials
  • Track 16-6Advanced Alloys and Materials for Nuclear Systems
  • Track 16-7Advanced Fuels & Actinide Materials
  • Track 16-8Nuclear Fuel Cycles
  • Track 17-1Reactor Analysis Methods
  • Track 17-2 Deterministic Transport Theory
  • Track 17-3Monte Carlo Methods
  • Track 17-4Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Criticality Safety
  • Track 17-5 Reactor Physics Experiments and Nuclear Data
  • Track 17-6Reactor Concepts and Designs
  • Track 17-7 Reactor Operation and Safety
  • Track 17-8Transient and Safety Analysis
  • Track 17-9Education, Research Reactors and Spallation Sources
  • Track 17-10 Radiation Applications and Nuclear Safeguards

In this track we include all the topics which were suggested by the speakers in the streams Quantum Physics and Nuclear Technology.