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C Wei Xu

C Wei Xu

Verizon Communications, USA

Title: Our missions in the current crisis


Biography: C Wei Xu


The keynotes present a historical analysis of scientific achievements, essential events in physics, deep logics in sciences, and philosophy of consensus. A critical re-evaluation of our knowledge is the start of a new way to a new era, the revolution of theoretical science and the return of philosophy: Back to the Future. Mankind has been furnished with groundbreaking enlightenment of the demonstrated theories of our universe: Duality of physical and virtual worlds, revealing Elementary Particles and Unified Field Theory according to concise, systematic, philosophical and mathematical principles. The year 2015, therefore, bids farewell to an intellectual age of classical physics defined by mathematical empiricism, from Newton's Mechanics of 1687 to Einstein’s Relativity of 1915, and from Quantum Theory of 1920s to contemporary physics. rnrnToday, human society is at the dawn of a series of revolutions for a new era:rn1. Advancing scientific philosophies to the next generation,rn2. Standardizing topological frameworks for modern physics,rn3. Developing information technologies through virtual reality,rn4. Theorizing biology and biophysics in innovative life sciences,rn5. Reformulating metaphysics on the basis of scientific naturalism.rnrnOur challenge, however, is even greater. It is the challenge to open up the world to facts hidden in the fabric of daily life, the challenge to transcend metaphysical prejudices and the ignominious clamor of hype. As a scientist, you may find youself in pioneering our human revolution. rn